
My desk sits in front of a window. I can see the birds at the feeder and up in the trees. We have two regular bird feeders, a thistle sock, and 2 suet baskets. During the day, I can see a wide variety of birds and they keep me entertained. I keep a foldout pamphlet thingy around for NC backyard birds but I keep losing it. For example, I can’t find it now to tell you the name so you can get one for your area, too. (I sooo need to clean off my desk) It has drawings of the birds so you can identify them. I got an app for my iPod Touch called iBird South. It’s supposed to just have the Southern birds in it but it really has all of them. Glad I didn’t spend the money for the US one, eh?

Anyway, about 2 months ago I am sitting here, writing of course, and a flash of color catches my eye. I look out and see this odd bird. It’s brightly colored like a finch. I switch glasses and realize it’s not a goldfinch. It’s a parakeet. We actually managed to catch him the next day but the S.O.B. escaped when we opened the carrier to give him some food. Every day I sat here and watched him. He was an assertive snot and liked to chase the other birds off the feeders whenever he was eating. I named him Floyd.

Last week, after much planning and rigging, we hung a hamster cage from one of the hooks, took down the two regular feeders, and put food inside the cage. The idea was for him to get used to going in there to eat. He finally did and, after watching him for two days, Lorna managed to catch him.

A friend of ours took him in and we were pleased Floyd was now safe. He wasn’t afraid of Annie, our young cat and twice she’d come very close to catching him. We knew he would be okay this summer but come winter, would he know to migrate? We debated a long time about whether we should catch him or not.

Sadly, Floyd died the next day. Patti did some research and found that sunflower seeds cause parakeets to accumulate fatty deposits around their hearts. Combined with the other much-lacking nutritional needs, Floyd was a dead bird anyway. The cool weather had probably helped him since it kept his heart rate down. Floyd’s other problem was he was banded and, based on the color of the band, he was born somewhere in the 90s. So for a parakeet, he was an old man.

We buried Floyd out near Lorna’s mediation spot.

I miss him. I look out and see birds all day but there was no determining which one was which. But Floyd was different. I knew it was him. I knew how many times he was at that feeder or this one. I knew which song was his. No, I don’t want a parakeet now. I think it is sad he had to be re-caged, even just for a night. I wish I could have taken him back to where he was supposed to be. It was good he got to experience freedom and I’m glad he chose our place to live.

bookmark_borderSugar Update

Good news is that I am continuing to lose weight. I have lost 20-24lbs so far (depends on day and mood of the scale). There are times when all I want is a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts and there are times that I really don’t mind weighing out the chicken for my sammich.

Bad news is that my blood glucose levels are so freakin’ erratic. For example, I use an app for my iPod Touch called Glucose Buddy. There’s a lot of apps for diabetes but I like this one the most. Anyway, here’s two screenshots. The red line is the high for that day, the blue line is the low for that day and the purple is the average. Basically, the goal is to keep it above 80 and less than 140. The one on the left was a decent week. The one on the right…not a good week.


It is a pattern I see often. A day with a very high spike with a very low drop later that day. The next day will be relatively calm with another crazy day right after. Freakin’ roller coaster days. But I’ll have a week or more of good days where everything is just fine and dandy. But I do know that breakfast is evil to me. I can eat the same thing every day and get a spike one day and not the next.

I see my doc in two weeks. My guess is we will officially drop the “pre” and declare me a true diabetic. And I’m betting I get to take more medication. Whoo-freaking-hoo. Another thought is that I will be put on a schedule. As in “Take this pill at X o’clock and this other one at Z o’clock”. (shudder) I’m figuring this will happen because I have no schedule, no timetable I am stuck to. Today I got up at 9. Day before I didn’t get up until 11. Day before that I didn’t sleep at all.

My brother, dang him, is having no difficulties. He’s so freakin’ regulated that he doesn’t even check his blood glucose anymore. I’d stop talking to him just out of spite but he’d like that too much.