bookmark_border“Patriot Act” Challenged

From MyWay News:

2 Patriot Act Provisions Ruled Unlawful


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Two provisions of the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional because they allow search warrants to be issued without a showing of probable cause, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, “now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment.”

Portland attorney Brandon Mayfield sought the ruling in a lawsuit against the federal government after he was mistakenly linked by the FBI to the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people in 2004.


Mayfield claimed that secret searches of his house and office under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act violated the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure. Aiken agreed with Mayfield, repeatedly criticizing the government.

“For over 200 years, this Nation has adhered to the rule of law – with unparalleled success. A shift to a Nation based on extra-constitutional authority is prohibited, as well as ill-advised,” she wrote.

By asking her to dismiss Mayfield’s lawsuit, the judge said, the U.S. attorney general’s office was “asking this court to, in essence, amend the Bill of Rights, by giving it an interpretation that would deprive it of any real meaning. This court declines to do so.”

(link to article)

By the way, the USA Patriot Act’s official title is: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act – what a mouthful! They must have shortened it to Patriot Act in order for Shrub to get it right.


Patriot Act Guide however, each time I try to view this guide, the bandwidth is exceeded and I cannot access it. Gee, if the money wasn’t being funneled into an endless, needless war, the gov’t might be able to afford more bandwidth.

Wikipedia | US Patriot Act

ACLU | US Patriot Act | “Reform the Patriot Act” action | Text of the US Patriot Act | Patriot Act it is interesting to read their side of it. Sad, but interesting.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) | Patriot Act

bookmark_borderJust Say No to Bishops

From BBCNews:

Shock at archbishop condom claim

The head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique has told the BBC he believes some European-made condoms are infected with HIV deliberately.

Maputo Archbishop Francisco Chimoio claimed some anti-retroviral drugs were also infected “in order to finish quickly the African people”.

The Catholic Church formally opposes any use of condoms, advising fidelity within marriage or sexual abstinence.

Aids activists have been angered by the remarks, one calling them “nonsense”.

“We’ve been using condoms for years now, and we still find them safe,” prominent Mozambican Aids activist Marcella Mahanjane told the BBC.


Archbishop Chimoio told our reporter that abstention, not condoms, was the best way to fight HIV/Aids.

“Condoms are not sure because I know that there are two countries in Europe, they are making condoms with the virus on purpose,” he alleged, refusing to name the countries.

“They want to finish with the African people. This is the programme. They want to colonise until up to now. If we are not careful we will finish in one century’s time.”

Aids activists in the country have been shocked by the archbishop’s comments.

“Condoms are one of the best ways of getting protection against catching Aids,” said Gabe Judas, who runs Tchivirika (Hard Work) – an theatre group that promotes HIV/Aids awareness.

“People must use condoms as it’s a safe way of having sex without catching Aids,” he told the BBC.

Archbishop Chimoio, who made the remarks at celebrations to mark 43 years of independence, said that fighting the disease was a serious matter.

“If we are joking with this sickness we will be finished as soon as possible.

“If we want to change the situation to face HIV/Aids it’s necessary to have a new mentality, if we don’t change mentality we’ll be finished quickly,” he said.

“It means marriage, people being faithful to their wives… (and) young people must be abstaining from sexual relations.”

(link to article)

He has valid points. Abstention IS the best way to prevent the spread of HIV. However, that point is lost in his claim of tainted condoms. The Catholic Church has had blinders on for too long. It is my opinion that they feel that if you die from a sexually transmitted disease, then that is your punishment for your sin.

Long ago someone gave this analogy for something quite different, but it fits here, too.

A man is walking along a river and sees a child out in the water, drowning. He goes and gets the child, wraps him in a blanket, then sees another child. He rescues that one, too. Meanwhile, other people stop to help. They gather together to assist the two children when they see yet more out in the water, drowning. The first man and several others, rush out into the water to save the children, bring them ashore, where others help to dry them off, warm them, etc. And, you guessed it, more children are out in the water, drowning.

This goes on and on. Resources are limited and while outside help if arriving, they are not enough to help the growing number of children out in the river, still drowning. Not all are saved, sadly.

As in the first time I heard this, someone needs to go upstream to see why so many children are in the water. How are they getting in there? What can be done to stop them from getting into the water to begin with?

The Catholic Church doesn’t care how you get into the water. You got there through your own sins and if you can pull yourself out, they’ll help you. Good children don’t get into the swift water. If they only went upstream a little bit and see that there are things that can be done to prevent the problem…well, there’d be less people drowning.

Abstention is nearly impossible. It isn’t in our basic nature to abstain from sexual relations. I am soooo glad I am not a teen in today’s world. Surrounded by sex from all sides. Sex is used in advertising, in politics, in nightly news, in newspapers, the vast Internet is overwhelmed by it. How to abstain when surrounded by mostly positive imagery of it? “Drink our beverage and get laid!” “Eat our protein bar and get laid!” “Use our tires and get laid!”

Safe sex in literature is gone. It was so wonderfully present for a while, and now it is gone. Abstinence is rarely in literature unless it is a side-effect of something another. Purity and all that. Why can’t one be pure and still get a little sex on the side? Purity is a state of mind, not a state of body. The body can never be pure. It pees, it shits, it sweats, it grows fungus and bacteria.

Nevertheless, it is scary what this man believes. I wonder how the Catholic Church will respond?

bookmark_borderDeaf Awareness Week

From CripHumor:

Once again Jest-A-Day provides us w/a reason to laugh… We learn it is “Deaf Awareness Week” ~ DAW is the last full week, Sunday through Saturday, of this September! It’s in commemoration of the first World Congress of the Deaf held that week in 1951. Thanks for that info [Jest-A-Day Journal – ]

A logger went to cut down a tree. He used his ax a few times, yelled “timber,” and the tree fell. Then chopped for a while on a second tree, yelled “timber,” and that tree fell as well. He went through the same process with a third tree, but the third tree wouldn’t fall over. So he tried a chain saw, and then explosives, finally he called in a “Tree Doctor.” The doctor checked out the tree, thought about what to do for a minute then finger-spelled “T-I-M-B-E-R.” The third tree finally fell down. The doctor explained to the lumberjack that this particular tree was Deaf.
[Thanks to Dr Bill Vicars ~ BTW, He collects deaf jokes, HoH [Hard of Hearing] and American Sign Language jokes. Have any? Send ’em to [email protected] ]

Question: What language do pigs speak?
Answer: Swine language.

Question: What language do porcupines speak?
Answer: Spine language.

Question: What language do billboards speak?
Answer: sign language

[from the Crip Humor ~ By and For the Severely Euphemized archives at ]
Hard of Hearing…
Two women run into each other outside an exclusive department store. The first woman is carrying lots of packages and it’s clear she’s been power shopping.

Woman One:
“Sweetie, I don’t know why we haven’t seen you around the club lately. I ran into your doctor and he said he told you to diet and exercise.”

Woman Two:
“Really?! Well, bless your heart for telling me. I sure thought he said, “Buy it and accessorize!”

bookmark_borderTrying To Stop the Madness

When we first moved here, way back in ’92, we had the local newspaper delivered. However, we quickly bored of the poor editing and even poorer writing and had it cancelled. They called a few times to talk us back into it but we gave them various excuses and they left us alone. Then came the wonderful thing called telemarketing and we started getting a lot of calls from them wanting us to buy their paper.

I finally told them their paper stank, don’t call me again, and remove me from your list. They got the hint and we stopped getting calls.

But that wasn’t the end of their marketing schemes.

Maybe once or twice a year, we find a free newspaper in the driveway. In the beginning it was just a marketing scheme to get folks to buy the paper. Then a grocery chain started sponsoring it and we started getting it more and more often. At first, we picked up the papers and ignored all but the comics. But eventually, we decided to leave them in the driveway as a effort to tell the delivery person that we didn’t want it.

They kept coming.

So I had Lorna line them up at the top of the driveway where the delivery person would see them.

And yesterday we got another one. Sigh.

image of pile of newspapers at the top of the driveway

image of the pile of newspapers as seen from a short distance down the road

Lorna and I are considering putting them in a box and mailing them, COD of course, back to the newspaper office.

Lorna dislikes the paper (mostly its delivery persons) because they tend to leave them in front of the mailboxes or inside the mailboxes. The latter is a federal offense and the former just gets it run over.

The paper is the Asheville Citizen-Times. It’s not a good paper. For one, it has a monopoly. There’s no other local papers of its size. There are others, sure, but none with the national links such as AP and the comics. There’s the Weaverville Tribune and the Asheville Tribune, both of which tend to be rather political.

I dislike poor newspaper writing. It isn’t difficult to write for a newspaper. Hell, I’ve done it so it must be easy. There’s a tried and true formula to follow. You present the facts starting at the most important and winding down to the least important since it is the end that gets chopped if necessary. You answer Who What When Where and, if possible, Why. That’s it. If your editor thinks you can write well, you’ll be asked to add more information to back up the facts and explain the speculations.

How hard can that be?

bookmark_borderMy Yard This Fall

I have a cool flower bed or two here at the house. I have raspberry lilies, daylilies, iris, daffodils, tulips, and a ton of hosta. I also have a bridal wreath shrub and a blue mist shrub. Lorna also has two ferns.

All was fine until this year.

First we got unusually warm weather in the early spring. All the flora was out and oh so happy, despite my warnings. Then came some frosts. Then came a late heavy wet snow.

Some of the plants looked like they would recover although would not be near their usual beauty.

Then came the hail storm. And the next. And the next.

Oh, and then the drought.

The hosta suffered the most since it has such big broad leaves.

This year I had less than five hosta bloom, only one or two daylilies, one raspberry lily, a lot, but not as much as usual, of the daffodil bloomed.

With such a hot summer, I didn’t venture out much. I try to go out at least once a day but not this summer. I may be insane but I’m not stupid. But today is such a pretty day, nice temp, cool breeze. So I went outside and took the camera.

The main bed up front.
image of the front flower bed

The hosta
image of the damaged hosta from the front flower bed

image of the damaged hosta from those along the side of the house

another image of the damaged hosta from along the side of the house

Despite the damage, there are still younger hosta that started growing after the frost, snow, and hail. They have nice leaves.
image of a group of undamaged hosta from the front bed

image of a group of undamaged hosta from the side bed

The raspberry lilies
image of the flattened raspberry lilies

The blue mist shrub, which was sheltered during the hail storms, did good although it needed daily watering. It is even having some new growth.

image of one of the blue mist shrub's branches

Lorna’s mom gave me a rabbit statue to go with my other one. They are out among the day lilies although they weren’t as well hidden as usual.

image of two small raspberry statues out in the front flower bed.

bookmark_borderCopyright Fees

Head nod to Georgeanna Hancock over at A Writer’s Edge: The US Copyright office is lowering copyright fees (from $45 to $35) but raising fees for “collections” such as songs and poems.

The work known as Butch Girls Can Fix Anything holds a copyright. This copyright was bought by my publisher and I hold the copyright. It is common practice among publishers to pay for the copyright. If your potential publisher doesn’t, you must ask yourself: “Why not? If they can’t afford the $45 (now $35), what else can’t they afford? Do I want a publisher who can’t/won’t do this?”

bookmark_borderHolocaust Images

Came across a great, but sad, article.

A Holocaust Mystery Finds Some Answers
Sep 16, 3:50 PM (ET)

BAD AROLSEN, Germany (AP) – Deep in Shari Klages’ memory is an image of herself as a girl in New Jersey, going into her parents’ bedroom, pulling a thick leather-bound album from the top shelf of a closet and sitting down on the bed to leaf through it.

What she saw was page after page of ink-and-watercolor drawings that convey, with simple lines yet telling detail, the brutality of Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp where her father spent the last weeks of World War II.

Arrival, enslavement, torture, death – the 30 pictures expose the worsening nightmare through the artist’s eye for the essential, and add graphic texture to the body of testimony by Holocaust survivors.


What unfolds is a story of Holocaust survival compressed into two tragic lives, a tale with threads stretching from Warsaw to Auschwitz and Dachau, from Australia to suburban England, and finally to a bedroom in New Jersey where a fatherless girl makes a traumatic discovery.


The album begins with an image of four prisoners in winter coats carrying suitcases and marching toward Dachau’s watchtower under the rifles of SS guards. It is followed by a scene of two inmates being stripped for a humiliating examination by a kapo, a prisoner working for the Nazis.

One image portrays two prisoners pausing in their work to doff their caps to a soldier escorting a prostitute – intimated by the seam on her stocking. Another shows a leashed dog lunging at a terrified inmate.

The drawings grow more and more debasing. Three prisoners hang by their arms tied behind their backs; a captured escapee is paraded wearing a sign, “Hurray, I am back again”; an inmate is hanged from a scaffold; and, in the final image, a man lies on the ground, shot dead next to the barbed-wire fence under the looming watchtower.

The album also has 258 photographs. Some are copies of well-known, haunting images of piles of victims’ bodies taken by the U.S. army that liberated the camp. Others are photographs, apparently taken for Nazi propaganda, portraying Dachau as an idyllic summer camp. Still others are personal snapshots of Unger with Polish refugees or with American soldiers who befriended him.

Barbara Distel, the director of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, said Porulski probably drew the pictures shortly after the camp’s liberation in April 1945. He used identical sheets of paper, ink and watercolors for all 30 pictures, she said, and he “would never have dared” to draw such horrors while he was still under Nazi gaze.

(link to article)

bookmark_borderDinner and an Emergency

I’m great fun to take on a date.

Lorna got home yesterday after being up Nawth for a week to visit her parents. She has a bad day at work today, comes home, and announces we are going out for dinner. Cool by me. We go to a place called the Northstar Diner. It’s relatively new, in Weaverville, and has some great health food stuff. I usually have a burger (with real meat) while Lorna has something weird. Tonight Lorna had a salad, stir fry with shrimp, and a sampler of local beer (six 30z samples for only $3!). I had a chicken sammich with bacon, provolone, and lettuce. Oh, and fries. Yummy.

We decide we wanted dessert. Lorna got something gross. I think some sort of raisin bread with white sauce poured on top. Or something like that. I had a freakin’ fantastic chocolate oatmeal cookie.

Here’s where it gets fun.

I have about 1/3 to a 1/2 of my cookie when I realize it is actually a chocolate oatmeal WALNUT cookie. I am allergic to walnuts. My reaction to walnuts is the good kind – swelling of the throat and tongue. We call the waitress over, ask what’s the nut, and proceed to freak her out. I hope she told the tale to the management so they will remember to mention it has WALNUTS in the cookie. And it was a great cookie, too! We usually ask when I order a new dessert, especially if it is one with a lot of ingredients or typically has walnuts in it. But the board out front and the waitress only mentioned chocolate and oatmeal so neither of us asked. Several years ago I had a bite, a tiny bite, of baklava that had walnuts instead of almonds. We think it must have been rather oily walnuts since I reacted to that little bite. So when we realized how much of that cookie I had eaten and the number of walnuts now staging protests within my bloodstream….

Lorna can sober up really fast. I watched it happen. She’d had those beer samples and most of a pint glass of Greenman Porter. I drank my ice tea and paid attention to what my body was telling me. Do we go next door and get benedryl and take me home? Or do we go just a few more doors down to the St. Joseph’s Urgent Care? We decide to do the urgent care.

Luckily there was no one waiting and they saw me almost immediately. I was given a shot of benedryl and observed for a while. The swelling was minimal from what he could see but from my coughing, we all assumed it was further down in my bronchial thingies. We talked with the doc about what we should do next or if this ever happens again. Because this allergy is rather new to me and it is only my third known exposure and reaction, there is the big possibility the next reaction will be worse. He agreed coming to them was best. We decided to not do the steroid shot and instead take some by mouth then and for the next four days.

I was kinda stoned from the shot but am doing semi-decent now. I had far too much sweet tea though which is keeping me awake long after I should have collapsed. A large part of me is still afraid, ya know? Right now my chest and throat feels like I had an asthma attack.

bookmark_borderReligious Observances

From Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) “Religion and Faith News“:

This calendar year, Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah, two of the most sacred times for Muslim and Jewish people, begin on the same day, September 12. We, in the Religion and Faith Program, hope the season carries with it profound blessings for both Muslim and Jewish people. For our Muslim friends, we pray that your fast is meaningful, that you find opportunity for regular prayer, for reading the Qur’an and for reflecting on Allah’s love. We wish our Jewish friends shanah tova, a blessed New Year. May this time of reflection and introspection usher in a year sweet with the promise of joy and peace. It is our deepest wish that the rich teachings of compassion, self-discipline, and contemplation, present in both the Qur’an and the Torah and reflected in the observances of Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah, enrich all our communities of faith.

I ditto this.

We are all worshiping the same God. We just happen to call God by different names, just like some of us say Ma, others say Mom, and others say Mommy. Same person, just different titles. We see God through different doors. I may see Mom as Mom but Ryan sees her as Grandma and Jim sees her as Honey. Same person, just different angles. We all have holy books. The Qur’an, the Torah, and the Bible all teach love, faith, neighborliness, and how to pray. Some of us pray on our knees, others on our feet. Some pray with their heads on the floor, some pray with their face to the sky. Doesn’t matter. We. Are. Praying. To. The. Same. God.

I am tired of the entire Islamic religion being blamed for the actions of what amounts to very few. We don’t blame all the Christians for Pat Robertson, do we? Not all Christians see life the same as Robertson (thank God, Allah, and G-d!). And while Robertson’s followers didn’t fly four planes into buildings and the ground, I’d bet even more have died as a result of his statements and actions. Death by suicide bomber or suicide is still death.

bookmark_borderHow Do I Write Thee…

…let me count the ways.

BGCFA started as a title.

Simple Sarah/The Blessed started as an idea.

Mutts From Wayback started as a joke.

Butch Girls and Stereotypes (aka BG3) was already an idea when something happened to trigger the title.

Currently, I am working on Simple Sarah and BG3. I keep waffling between the two as to which one should get all of my attention. I am doing some light editing and filling in some spaces on Simple Sarah but doing some major changes (again, dammit) to BG3.

All this and trying to avoid moving my head and getting another migraine. I am so freakin’ tired of headaches. I really am.